Web Development Lab #2 Questions


    • A server is a computer program or a device that provides functionality for other programs or devices, called "clients". Servers primarily exist to provide various functionalities ("services") for clients. Typical servers are normally database servers, file servers, mail servers, print servers, web servers, game servers, and/or application servers.
    • Servers are different from the standard home computer in that they are not meant to act as an interface for human users for work or entertainment purposes. In practice, servers are used to assist these interface computers perform functions (accessing websites, doing calculations, communicating with others, etc.) and are specifically intended to be connected to other computers and have easily scalable hardware.
  1. The tags needed for a HTML table (at minimum) are the "table", "tr", and "td" tags (with their associated end tags of course).
  2. An iFrame is a special type of link in HTML that is essentially a window to an outside website. Specifically, the window to the other website lets a user interact with the other website as if they were actually there.
  3. The "a" tag is an opening tag that has an attribute href which allows links to outside websites. Depending on where the tag is closed, anything from images or text can be used as a clickable link.
  4. The "tr" tag is used to create a new row in an already opened HTML table. When combined with the tag for table data "td" populated data tables can be created in HTML.

Web Research: Cost of Creating Webpages
